BK21 교육연구단(팀)

고신뢰성 에너지용 지능형 시스템반도체 교육연구단

해외석학 초청세미나 안내_22.8.18.(목) Purdue University, 강규병 교수님
작성자 지능형반도체
조회수 119
  • 첨부파일없음

BK 지능형반도체 교육연구단에서 아래와 같이 해외석학 초청세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.

     - 주       제 : State-of-the-arts of artificial vision on construction, management, and rehabilitation of physical infrastructure in built environments

     - 연       사 : 강규병 교수님, Purdue University

     - 일       시 : 2022년 8월 18일(목) 오전 10시

     - 장       소 : Purdue Univ.  / 온라인 동시진행(ZOOM)  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81937369000?pwd=R0xVSy9zbWNRckwvVzJ0Zk5jTDhNUT09

     - 문의사항 : 전자공학부 서승현 교수 (seosh77@hanyang.ac.kr)

[Title] State-of-the-arts of artificial vision on construction, management, and rehabilitation of physical infrastructure in built environments

[Abstract] Construction and management of civil infrastructure systems in built environments frequently use artificial vision. It promises to become even more critical in the next few decades as a core technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our physical infrastructure systems and services. For example, infrared pictures can reveal heat loss spots in buildings. Computing can identify as-built conditions of physical infrastructure, three-dimensional structures, changes over time, and movements from camera images. Computing on images can identify problems such as construction safety risks or component defects. With the improvement of computing power and reduction in computing cost, artificial vision with computing can be used anywhere on our infrastructure systems. This presentation will provide a synopsis and overview of the techniques and applications of artificial vision for anyone interested in or working in the domain of physical infrastructure management and rehabilitation in built environments.

[Bio] Dr. Kyubyung Kang (강규병), an assistant professor at the School of Construction Management Technology at Purdue University, has been immersed in research related to the digital transformation in smart infrastructure management for over ten years. He is the director of Smart Infrastructure Management with the Public Lead and Education (SIMPLE) lab at Purdue University. The SIMPLE lab delves into intelligent ways to operate and maintain infrastructure, facilities, and assets through the digital-twin and built environment. To do so, the lab leverages remote sensing, computer vision technologies, and object detection strategies to support construction inspectors, asset managers, or those responsible for maintaining infrastructure. The lab has a number of high-resolution capable cameras, vehicle mountable action cameras, drones, laser scanners, two machine learning capable servers (Linux and Windows), and one data management server (MacOS). The recent research findings are published in several conference proceedings and journal papers, including ones in TRB and TRR. Over the years, he has been participating in multiple research projects funded by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) with respect to pavement crack inspection, transportation infrastructure and asset management, maintenance of traffic (MOT) for highway projects, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.